QA Valley was explicitly created to directly complement development organizations by providing QA processes, activities, techniques, and tools that must parallel design, coding, and delivery tasks. We have been providing quality assurance services to software product companies for over a decade and have accumulated a body of subject matter expertise in QA that is unrivalled by internal QA practitioners and external testing consultancies. Our test engineers are paired with coders resulting in a symbiotic relationship in which both groups function in concert to produce at higher quality levels.
Over the period of time that we have been providing QA Testing Services we have been instrumental in the successful release of over 57 enterprise grade software products, encompassing more than 15 industries, installed in more than 20 countries, and being utilized by over 11 million users, aggregating to 45 Million Lines of Code, delivered in most common languages, databases and hardware platforms including large scale cloud infrastructure systems with global communities of users. This scale of Software QA Testing has positioned us as a primary choice among software vendors seeking to rapidly expand their user base while maintaining their credibility in saturated software categories and highly competitive industries.
As part of our engagements, we generate and utilize code quality metrics documenting Average Defect Percentage, Defect Classification, Average Release Cycle Timeline, Repeat Incident Frequencies, Production Failures Per Release, Programmer Defect Ratio, and several others. QA Valley collects, analyzes, tracks, and reports on defects uncovered in individual QA Cycles corresponding with product sprints and builds; and interprets trends in behavior and productivity that can influence a culture of higher quality. The end results of our efforts are shorter delivery cycles, fewer production failures, greater product stability, higher customer retention, and increase revenue generation.

At QA Valley, the client’s software product is tested from different angles to confirm that the product satisfies the intended requirements and possesses the standard attributes of robustness and completeness. QA Valley’s methods and practices, its human capital, tools, infrastructure, and continuous improvement processes enable it to effectively perform a wide variety of testing types at little additional cost to its clients. Each testing type results in a set of deliverables and artifacts that when acted upon by developers result in world class software that dominate targeted software categories. The list that follows is a random sample of some of the common testing types performed by QA Valley.
Functional Testing, Security Testing, Acceptance Testing, Endurance Testing, Load Testing, Equivalence Partitioning Testing, Defect planning, Compatibility Testing, Component Testing, Loop Testing, Breadth Testing, Sanity Testing, Destructive Testing, Thread Testing, Mobile Testing, Sanity Testing, Test Planning, Boundary Value Testing, Domain Testing, Dynamic Testing, Fuzz Testing, Case Preparation, Age Testing, Beta Testing, Context Driven Testing, Configuration Testing, Automated Testing, Conversion Testing, Vulnerability Testing, Structural Testing, Qualification Testing, Concurrency Testing, Negative Testing, Parallel Testing, Comparison Testing, workflow Testing, White box Testing, Upgrade Testing, Passive Testing, Statement Testing, User Interface Testing, Passive Testing, Orthogonal array Testing, Error-Handling Testing, Requirements Testing, Top Down Testing.
QA Tools Installation & Training, Formal verification Testing, Fault injectio, GUI Software Testing, Ad-hoc Testing, Branch Testing, Big Bang Integration Testing, Compliance Testing, Hybrid Integration Testing, Install/uninstall Testing, Non-functional Testing, End-to-end Testing, Error-Handling Testing, Thread Testing, API Testing, Localization Testing, Manual Testing, Path Testing, Model-based Testing, Mutation Testing, Binary Portability Testing.

QA Valley has become endowed with unrivalled capability to test software products and systems developed on numerous languages, operating systems, databases, hardware platforms, and cloud services. We have resultingly become a sought after QA vendor for software developers that demand their products be tested by QA engineers with sound working knowledge of the underlining languages and architecture. We are also becoming increasingly engaged by smaller software publishers that require their product be validated by engineers with a working knowledge of Java for Android, Swift for iOS, Web Services for Amazon, and other technology permutations. As shown in the list below, we cover a plethora of languages and platforms.
Java, C, C++, .Net, Html, Python, Xml, Php, Asp, JavaScript, VB, Perl, MySQL, Objective-C, J2ME, J2EE, Ajax, Swift, Angular JS, Express.js, VBScript, Euphoria, Parrot, Etoys, Dialog Control Language, EGL, Ceylon, C-Omega, Caml, Bourne Shell, CHILL, AppleScript, C Shell, Dylan, DIBOL, Alice, Ruby, Object Pascal, Node.js, JScript .NET, Erlang,Clarion, Cobra, Clojure, Clojure, Coffee Script, ECMAScript, Emacs Lisp, COMAL, Eiffel, Object REXX, Transact-SQL, MATLAB, PL/SQL, Scratch, Logo, Lua, Dart, SAS, ABAP, Scala, Mirah, MIVA Script, Mercury, Nemerle, Delphi, Prolog, CMS EXEC, LabVIEW, Paradox, Clipper, Common Lisp, Clojure, Visual Basic .NET.
AutoLISP, Go, Ada, C#, Scheme, Haskell, Groovy, Scheme, MQL4, Apex, Bash, VHDL, Elixir, Occam, Ladder Logic, Rust, Julia, Awk, Objective-J, Erlang, Lisp, APL, CFML, BlitzMax, IDL, OpenEdge ABL, F#, (Visual) FoxPro, XQuery, Fancy, Factor, ActionScript, JADE, R, Haxe, HPL, HyperTalk, Icon, Io, Inform, Intercal, J Sharp, Ioke, JavaFX Script, LotusScript, Object Pascal, RPG (OS/400), jQuery, Fantom, Forth, Gosu, Apps Script.

QA tools positively influences the outcome of any QA Cycle, but this is accompanied with increased cost to license and manage environments that accommodate these utilities. There is also the increased cost associated with the human capital needed to learn and properly apply various tools engaged in respective phases on the QA Cycle. QA Valley has made a tremendous investment in licensing and subscribing to a multitude of QA Tools, and have engaged and trained a large body of fulltime staff on a wide selection of tools and utilities. This amounts to a huge investment on people, tools, and infrastructure that are fully utilized to the benefit of our software product clients. A stockpile of the QA Tools and Utilities found in our QA Sandbox, Test Labs, Workbenches are presented in the list below.
Selenium, TestComplete, Bugzilla, Telerik TestStudio, Ranorex, SoapUI, BlazeMeter, Apache JMeter, TestDrive, RedMine, FogBugz, HP LoadRunner, IBM Rational Functional Tester, JIRA, QA Complete, LoadImpact, SQLMap, UI Automator, NeoLoad, Agileload, KeepItFunctional, Html Unit, Axosoft, Load2Test, HttpRider, LeanTesting, Zoho Bug Tracker, Google Nogotofail, Veracode, PHPSpec, Watir, HP ALM, WebInject, Codeception, JCrawler, httperf, Pivotal Tracker, BitBucket, Bug Genie, DevTrack, BugNET, Sahi PRO.
Sauce Labs, WatiN, JTest, Neustar, UFT, Testrail, Test Collab, LoadUI Pro, ExperiTest, Sikuli, SilkTest, Espresso, Cucumber, Appium, Perfecto, Katalon Studio, TestMaker, Rational Rhapsody, QA Complete, PHPUnit, Mantis, Loader, Rational Performance Tester, Practitest, Tricentis, Testing Master, Apica LoadTest, Tosca Testsuite, QA Wizard Pro, Silk Performer, LoadUI NG Pro, Q Engine, AutoIt, Vtest, QA Wizard, TimeShiftX, Coded UI Test, Ghostlab, Browsershots, SOAPSonar, QMetry, JSTester, Zephyr, Curl-Loader

Code analysis is an important QA activity of examining the source code with an objective of fine tuning its performance and reliability by implementing code optimization methods. The best practices are conducting static and dynamic code analysis together and to integrate source code analysis into different stages of the development process to reap the benefits of facilitating a more reliable software product as the end result. Static code analysis is all about checking the source code, byte code or application binaries for the presence of any possible vulnerability. Dynamic code analysis is an exactly opposite method of static code analysis. It is conducted in a runtime environment to discover the defects that remained latent during static code analysis.
The major benefits of code analysis are secure software development process, Knowing the vulnerability’s exact location, early detection and quick remediation, cloud infrastructure support and improved coding ability. The rapid awareness and the concern over the security and privacy aspects of software products has made it imperative to ascertain that code analysis is performed thoroughly for the software applications. Traditional strategies that depend on firewalls and antivirus software are not sufficient in the current scenario of multiple environments for which the products are designed and deployed.
Conducting Static and dynamic code analysis together is a best practice and helps in uncovering issues in code, run-time scenarios. Usually, trained test engineers with sound knowledge of secure coding practices have to lead the assignment. Dynamic analysis employs manual test cases to detect vulnerabilities related to session management, information leakage, authentication issues. Involving testers in the early stages of software development, availability of static code analysis tools are the components that need to be organized properly to effectively perform code analysis.

Software QA Automation Testing is a Quality Assurance technique where the software test cases are coded into executable scripts and are run as automated QA Test Cycles. This automated process eliminates human intervention and enables the execution of QA Cycles using a variety of Software Tools. Automated QA Testing is vital for companies that practice continuous integration - which means that software is developed, tested, and deployed multiple times per day - rather than in stages, as was common in more traditional development models. With the stiff business competition existing today, enterprises need faster releases and quality software to meet the increasing demand of their services and products, and hence embracing Agile & DevOps practices by leveraging automated testing software to achieve faster releases and quality products along with achieving a quicker return on investment.
QA engineers choose and use various Software Tools (both open source & commercial tools) for automated testing, based on the type of requirements for the software being built. In general, the commonly used tools in Software QA Automation can be categorized into three major types, namely, Test Management tools (these tools help with test case creation, planning, and execution), Functional Testing tools (these tools help with testing individual software features and reporting errors), and Performance Testing tools (these tools help determine the scalability and reliability of the software application). There are plenty of automation testing tools available in the market today, which help software teams to successfully build and execute many automated tests.

Penetration testing or pentesting is a simulated cyber-attack on the target by our specialists after obtaining proper authorization from the client. This phase’s objective is to uncover the system’s security vulnerabilities. Different malicious natured techniques are formulated and applied to evaluate the system against the security vulnerabilities. This test’s result is the identification and reporting of the system’s weak points and security flaws in a realistic manner. Vulnerability scanners will be used to check the presence of security weaknesses in the system having chances of getting attacked. Some of the tools used for this phase are Netsparker, Wireshark and MetaSpoilt.
Pentesting as performed by QA Valley complements the best in the industry automated scanning technologies with best-in-class penetration testing services to find business logic and other complex vulnerabilities in web, mobile, desktop, back-end and IoT applications. Using a proven process to ensure high customer satisfaction, our experts provide detailed results, including attack simulations, where both manual and automated testing results are assessed against your corporate policy. We also focus on delivering the results that can easily be consumed.
Several potent cybersecurity tools are utilized in our Penetration Testing engagements, enabling us to harness the most current techniques in system penetration and network infiltration. Among these are Burp Suite, DirBuster, Fiddler, Nessus, Nmap, OpenSSL, SQLmap, Wget Crawl Server, Wireshark, Hashcat, Hydra, Masscan, OWASP Zap, SSL Labs, John the Ripper, Netsparker, Brutus, Acunetix, and many others.