Corporate Videos

Over the decade and half that QA Valley has been in operation we have assimilated numerous videos and whiteboards that convey who we are, what we do, and numerous other topics covering the various QA Types that we perform. The videos in this section introduce QA Valley and highlight our core competencies in Software Quality Assurance. Among the mix of footage are clips that storyboard the workflows we observe when performing different QA Testing Types in different conditions, illustrating major phases in different QA Cycles and indirectly exhibiting the robustness and maturity in our QA Practices.

By reviewing the videos below most visitors will attain a comprehensive working knowledge of our offerings, how projects are organized, and major deliverables generated. Visitors with unanswered questions are encouraged to contact any of our offices and arrangements will be made for direct meetings with our senior quality assurance staff. Depending on the intentions of relevant visitors, custom proposals and quotations can be assimilated and submitted to prospects with immediate QA Cycle needs.


QA Cycles

Penetration Testing

Video List

wdt_ID Item Title Videos URL Description